Clean, Safe, Vibrant Neighborhoods

    Why I’m Running

    Oakland needs leaders who are visionary, ambitious, and solutions-oriented. I’m running for Oakland City Council District 3 because I feel our city is on the wrong track. Neighbors continue to share concerns about public safety, homelessness, and pollution.

    We deserve a representative who responds to us and can deliver meaningful changes that help our residents, workers, and business owners alike. I know what it takes to effectively make change and I’m ready to serve as the next City Council Member for District 3.

    Where is District 3?

    District 3

    The map above shows what is currently part of Oakland’s District 3 following the 2020 census and redistricting.

    My Vision for District 3

    I believe District 3 — West Oakland, our waterfront, Old Oakland, Downtown, Lakeside, Uptown, Adam’s Point, and the Port — should be clean, safe and vibrant for Oakland’s diverse residents, employees and visitors. I believe my neighbors deserve an amazing city and a leader who values action and results. As a longstanding policy leader for our community, my vision for District 3 is rooted in these six principles:

    A transparent and responsive government

    Our governance priorities must be rooted in transparency, responsiveness, and action. We start by building open communication channels between the council office and the community. Breaking down barriers between officials, staff, and constituents is key to fostering effective change. By setting aside personal grievances, we can come together to focus on outcomes and solutions that help us move forward.

    A safe place to live

    The level of crime that we are facing requires us to take real, collective action. We can start making our neighborhoods safer by coordinating activities between the police department, community safety programs, and neighborhood leaders in order to address root issues. We must ensure that our police department can respond to calls that require them in a timely fashion. It’s also time to fully cooperate with other State and Federal agencies for help due to the rise of organized crime coming into our city.

    Abundant, affordable housing for every Oaklander

    Right now, there is a lack of equitable access to quality housing. We must build more housing at all affordability levels. We must also preserve truly affordable housing and protect at-risk renters to address the increasing homelessness rates. This includes addressing corporate housing grabs that take housing away from our community.

    A thriving economy that supports all Oaklanders

    Fostering a vibrant and diverse local economy is key to growth in our district. By minimizing barriers and offering resources, including initiatives like Flex Streets, we can empower local merchants and boost economic activity. Our District’s economic potential is tremendous and can attract major industries that can offer real, livable employment opportunities for D3’s residents. We should be an equitable hub of innovation—promoting collaboration, creativity, and prosperity among all of our businesses.

    Safe and sustainable transportation for all

    We need enhanced transportation options to promote mobility, safety, and sustainability. We must prioritize improving our roads and sidewalks, so that they’re free of potholes, debris, and other damages. This includes transforming high-collision intersections to improve traffic safety. At the same time, we must also support alternative modes of transportation, such as biking, walking, and public transit; this includes working with AC Transit and BART to increase rider safety and accessibility.

    Clean air and just environmental policies

    From fossil fuel emissions to extended fire seasons, we deserve to be able to breathe. We can start by planting more trees in public spaces and working with Caltrans to build green buffer zones near the freeways that surround our homes. It’s time to also have publicly accessible resiliency hubs so that at-risk neighborhoods have a brief oasis during low-air quality events and high-heat days.

    About Warren

    I’ve spent my life seeing how governments have often ignored the real needs in our communities. As a gay black man, I see it every day. That’s why I pursued an undergraduate degree in Urban Studies and then earned my Masters in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley because I believe that cities must do better for all of us.

    My work for over a decade has been to make policies, design projects, and develop programs for cities around the Bay Area and across the county in times of need. As one of Oakland’s emergency directors during the city’s response to COVID-19, 2020’s massive wildfire season, and the power shutdowns, I served as the City’s Emergency Community Resilience Director where I led an interdisciplinary team that fast-tracked community testing and vaccination sites, directed departments to work collaboratively, and helped small businesses take advantage of outdoor merchant programs. And it got done in just weeks – not years.

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